Sunday, July 6, 2014

Hidden vs Transparent Taxes: A Special Word for the Politically Motivated

Now, a word for those people and organizations with strongly held political beliefs and affiliations.
 As you read through this series, if when you first read you are seeking only to understand what I am saying, you will find that I am not suggesting that switching from hidden taxes to transparent taxes will somehow reduce the amount of tax dollars government is currently collecting and using to provide needed services.  In this series I’m also not suggesting that special favors be given to anyone.

A careful reading of this series, only for the purpose of understanding what I’m suggesting, will allow you to see that the examples I give as suggested ways to start changing from hidden taxes to transparent taxes are worded to show that government would continue to collect the same amount of tax dollars from the new transparent taxes that are scheduled to be collected from the current hidden taxes.

Therefore, because I’m not trying to suggest anything that, when correctly understood, would have the effect of reducing the amount of tax dollars being collected by government, no one, on either side of the political isle can honestly claim that doing what I suggest in this series would take money away from any currently funded government activity.  Having said that, I do believe that those who choose to oppose switching from hidden to transparent taxes may yield to the temptation to be less than honest in how they address this issue.

Thank you for taking time to read and ponder my opinion on this topic.
An Opinion Article by Dave Kemper

It has been said that: "One definition of insanity is to do the same thing, the same way, over and over and over again, each time expecting to achieve a different result."
Therefore, we must either CHANGE the way we live, or we bind our future to our past as if with CHAINS.
"I do not consider myself to be better than anyone else.  But I do believe in exercising my right to not stay stupid."

David W. Kemper, Author
© Copyright 2014 by David William Kemper.  All right reserved
No part or portion of this publication may be modified in any manner without the express written permission of the author.  Quoting from this publication is allowed on condition that the name of the author and the name of the publication are included.

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