Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Transit Part 9: Inviting Private Donations

Once the general public, passengers, employees, companies, and lobbyists are all on board with the development and implementation of my program, approaching potential sources of donation, including from wealthy private sources looking for good causes to support (in return for advantageous tax right-offs) will help to foster broad by-partisan support.

Letters of intent can be obtained which allow willing donors to declare their intent subject to various conditions.  These conditions, to the extent that they would be reasonable, could then be used to help push for broad by-partisan support.  Letters of intent, worded so as to allow donors to back out comfortably are more likely to be responded to favorably than an approach based on “do we get the money or not”.  Sources of donation are understandably skeptical when it comes to people with “new ideas” wanting them to spend their wealth.  It’s a respect thing again.  That’s all.

Thank you for taking time to read my program.  Obviously, if I didn't believe in my own program, I would not have published it for others to read and ponder on.

An Opinion Article by Dave Kemper

It has been said that: "One definition of insanity is to do the same thing, the same way, over and over and over again, each time expecting to achieve a different result."
Therefore, we must either CHANGE the way we live, or we bind our future to our past as if with CHAINS.
"I do not consider myself to be better than anyone else.  But I do believe in exercising my right to not stay stupid."

David W. Kemper, Author
© Copyright 2014 by David William Kemper.  All right reserved
No part or portion of this publication may be modified in any manner without the express written permission of the author.  This publication is licensed for your personal use and enjoyment only and may not be used as a reference by any company, government entity, or other organization without the express written permission of the author.  This publication may not be re-sold or given away to other people.  Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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